Every day we help families and companies become more ethical

Apige Smart is a company working for harmonious and sustainable management in its local area, spreading new information and lifestyles to its customers in the name of sustainability, efficiency and energy saving. We put good practices in place with concrete, economically advantageous projects for building management, enhancing our local area by getting people on board and teaching them about new, more environmentally friendly lifestyles.
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    We make every home comfortable, reducing energy consumption, independently generating clean energy capable of satisfying its needs."

    Apige Smart is at the community’s service, making your idea of environmental and social sustainability a reality, dealing with urban regeneration, energy efficiency, energy requalification and sustainable mobility, all of it tailored to your family or your brand.

    Apige Smart is a leader in the distributed generation sector, using an innovative business model that combines the green economy and the sharing economy. 

    We will be a true energy community where every member, or ‘prosumer’, is an active participant in developing smart grids, in line with the national energy and climate plan (‘Pniec’) which sets the main energy and climate objectives for Italy and the EU for 2020 and 2030.

    Committed to fighting climate change, our plan envisages a resilient, reliable energy system.

    Promoting the development of microgrids and smart grids ‘to encourage high-efficiency self-generation in urban communities and industrial districts, while respecting the security of the system.

    An ongoing commitment in line with the national strategy for adaptation to climate change, adopted under Directorial Decree 85/2015.

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Apige Smart Pve and urban regeneration

Be it simple redevelopment of buildings or energy efficiency for blocks of flats, houses or offices, we provide services for the community and for future generations.

Innovation and the circular economy define every single activity in our value chain. We introduce the concept of sustainability right from the design phase. By all getting engaged, we can pursue sustainable progress, which is what makes Apige Smart Pve and the world it operates in more prosperous, inclusive, sustainable and resilient.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Clean and accessible energy

Apige Smart Pve is committed to producing the energy you need.
Energy is a key element in nearly all major challenges and opportunities.

Businesses, innovation and infrastructure

Apige Smart Pve undertakes innovative and sustainable projects.
Innovation and investments in green infrastructure are essential to sustainable development.

SDG 11
Sustainable cities and communities

Apige Smart Pve brings shared sustainable mobility to the community. All cities must be able to offer basic services, energy, housing and transport for all.

SDG 13
Fighting climate change

Apige Smart Pve is on the front line in the battle against climate change. The ongoing climate change represents a global challenge that involves everyone, in every part of the planet.

Sustainability is our hallmark, the light by which we guide our local community towards the energy transition.
This mission is what makes us stand out in our local economy, and what makes us unique and a leader in the market for sustainable construction.


Continuous improvement, investment and certifications are fundamental to Apige Smart, as it values its credibility in the eyes of its customers.
APR Pilot certificate for site monitoring, building inspection and controls, structural surveys, monitoring the state of pipelines and roofs, appraisals through photographs, inspection of solar panels and digital photogrammetry.
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